Friday, April 18, 2014

Finding Forrester

What does it mean to be a teacher?
How do we overcome obstacles?

Finding Forrester is a story about a young high school student and an author who has secluded himself from the world. Jamal Wallace is a young African American male who scored exceptional high on the statewide exams. He becomes a student at a prep-school in Manhattan. One night Jamal's friends dare him to knock on an old man's apartment door.
Jamal continues to visit the old man's apartment and befriends him. Later Jamal finds out the old man is a famous author, William Forrester, who's book he is reading in his English class. Jamal and William become friends and work on Jamal's writing together while overcoming obstacles they each have in their lives.

Jamal is a low-income African American male with a single mother, attending a predominately white prep school. That's four immediate factors that work against him in his academic career of becoming a writer. Jamal doesn't brag about his talent or let his friends know he writes. He is modest about is writing but finds a mentor in William. Jamal has a thirst for knowledge and passion for writing.

William is an author who wrote a book that became famous and then
he went into isolation from the world. William becomes Jamal's writing mentor. He shows him how to use a type writer, helps him with his writing process, and pushes him to write his best work. William's apartment is an escape for Jamal and a place where he can pursue and talk about his writing. William is Jamal's teacher.

What does it mean to be a teacher?
Does a teacher have to be in a school?
Do teachers only teach you academics?

William becomes a teacher of Jamal's, not only in writing, but in life as well. Jamal faced many challenges and obstacles, writing was his escape. Having William to confine in and be an escape from his often times racist and suppressing world was how Jamal overcame his adversities.

Jamal has a teacher in his prep school who is racist and bitter towards him. Jamal is a talented writer and would turn in his papers and essays and his English teacher would question his ability. His teacher accused him of plagiarism. Jamal didn't plagiarize and used some of William's pieces of writing with permission, the act of being degraded by his teacher showed another challenge Jamal faced.

As an audience we see a couple different types of teacher in this story.
First we see his previous school's teacher and principle who push him to attend the prep school to challenge him more academically. These teachers showed the best interest in Jamal and saw his potential.
Second we see his English teacher in the prep school who immediately disregards Jamal for having any academic ability or gift for writing because of his exterior and basketball abilities.
Then we see the teacher in William that creates a lasting friendship and impact on Jamal. William knew how to push Jamal and encourage him all at the same time. They shared a connection and cared about one another. A teacher like William knows his student, knows what he needs, and what he can do to help his student.

Jamal and William both have obstacles in their lives. Jamal faced socio-economic, ethnicity, and gender obstacles in school that hindered his forward path of knowledge and writing. William is an author who had something happen to him and his family that made him live his life in isolation, never publishing another book, and never interacting with people. Both overcame their obstacles with the others help.

How do we overcome obstacles?

Everyone has obstacles in their lives, and how we break them down and overcome them is with help and guidance. Teachers give advice, help, and guidance everyday to students who have a wall that needs to be broken down. William taught Jamal the ways of writing that can help him become an author. William also stood up for his friend Jamal by reading his writing at an assembly and proving that he is a talented and inspirational writer. Jamal brought William out of his comfort zone by taking him out of his isolated apartment and to a sports game.

I can relate many aspects of Finding Forrester to teachers and students in my student teaching experience and school.

I have a student who is curious about everything and wants to learn all he can learn. This student is also very quiet and will sometimes become self-conscious when he says something that he knows or answers all the questions. To be sure that he is confident in his knowledge I ask him certain harder questions that I know he likes to answer and encourage him every time he tells us an interesting fact. The first grade classroom that I am in for student teaching is a very positive environment. Because of the positivity and encouragement the teachers in our classroom give off, the majority of our students know that they can also be smart and show their knowledge. A teacher needs to always encourage their students to show their knowledge and always thirst for more.

The teachers that are in my direct first grade classroom have never put down a student, disrespected them, or disregarded them for any of their characteristics. However, there is one teacher on the first grade team, who I can hear teaching from my classroom, and she often puts down her students. I don't know if she puts them down and degrades them for their race or where they come from, but I believe she puts them down for their behavior and lack of academic ability. It pains me when I hear her yelling and being negative toward her student because that is exactly what teachers can't be.

Finding Forrester was an inspirational movie for me to watch. Student and teacher were sometimes hard to differ in the relationship between Jamal and William. Jamal and William both taught the other something valuable for their life. A successful teacher needs to teach but also learn from their student. Each student is different. Each student has a challenge, and each student needs guidance on how to successfully move forward with their path in life.

A teacher is a student.
A student is a teacher.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Girl Rising

Powerful. Sadness. Inspiring. Suppression. Eye-Opening. Guilt. Beauty. Hurt. Bravery. Courage.

These words describe one of the most powerful documentaries I have ever seen. Girl Rising displays powerful stories of young girls in developing countries who aren't allowed or don't have any access to education because of various life changing situations.

As a future educator I have learned a lot about how to teach academics. I have also learned a lot about how much children need an education to succeed in the 21st century, not only for the content but because of the environment of school.

Sometimes we can take our lives for granted because we haven't seen hurt or suppression. I come from one of the top public school systems in Massachusetts and have never taken my education for granted. My parents moved to our town because of the school system and education I would receive. I am thankful for the education I received and that is part of the reason why I wanted to pass it on and become a teacher myself.

Malala Yousafzai
Girl Rising tells the stories of different girls around the world who for some reason have struggled to receive an education. The film supported the revolution of girls education that was brought to light by Malala Yousafzai. Malala is from Pakistan and demanded girls have the right to education, she was targeted by the Taliban and shot in the head. "She is not alone". Girls around the world fight for education, fight for their right, fight for their freedom, fight for their future.

The girls who tell their stories are just one of many in their county who have the same barriers as they do. Girls in Afghanistan are married off at young ages and stop going to school to become a household wife and mother. Girls in Nepal are slaves in houses and aren't allowed to go to school. Girls in Egypt are raped and abused when they are not in school.

Wadley from Haiti has courage, drive, determination, and happiness. She is a young girl who loved going to school. When the earthquake struck in 2010 everything was destroyed including the school. Wadley wanted to go back to school but her mother couldn't afford to pay the teacher. Wadley went to the school and when she was asked to leave she told the teacher "Even if you send me away I will come back every day until I can stay". Although all the stories from around the world show courage and adversity that inspires, Wadley's story stuck with me because of her age. She is one of the youngest girls in the stories and wants every piece of education and minute of learning she can get. Education opens every door for children and opportunities to become what children dream of.

"I feel as though I have power."

"I feel I can do anything."

Girls around the world are told they can't and shown they are less than men. Their voices are silenced. But the power and fight girls have within them to receive an education is going to change the world. Educating girls can and will change the world.

The stories of these girls and young women in Girl Rising made my heart sink and imagine wander. I know there are children all around the world that don't receive the best education, but these stories reaffirmed why I want to make a difference in the lives of children. As my college career finishes up and having my teaching license comes closer, I think harder about where I want to take my passion and drive to educate. Seeing these stories of young girls wanting an education and a way out of their hardships and torn lives makes me want to teach in developing countries. I am grateful for my education and the power it has given me. I know what a school can do for a child's life, and what a teacher can do to help shape a positive world and open future. I have always wanted to go help children in other countries and travel the world experiencing how children live around the world. This movie ignited a fire of passion in my heart to change the life of just one child through education.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Rules of Engagements

The rules of engagement for learning follow positivity and dedication. A teacher needs to be positive with their students and continue to find ways to help them grow individually as children. When working with students who live in poverty there can be some barriers and challenges that teachers need to overcome. After learning more about the rules of engagement I see ways in which I can improve the positive learning environment in my first grade classroom of student teaching. I have been working on building relationships with my students to create a more comfortable classroom environment.

Before a student in poverty begins to excel academically the teacher needs to recognize and work to overcome the negative social and emotional feelings a child might have. Students may have a negative view on life because of difficulties they see at home and poor relationships with adults. Children who live in poverty are more likely to live in broken homes with single parent households or live with guardians. Building a trusting relationship with a student is the first step a teacher must take for the student to begin to listen and follow the guidance of a teacher. Often times children who live in poverty need a positive role model and adult figure in their life, and spending 7 hours a day at school is where they need to find that role model.

Students who live in poverty can have poor health and nutrition which can lead to the obvious physical delays but also a lack of nutrition to the body can lead to a lack of brain development and cognitive skills. Teachers can't assume all students who don't complete homework or don't understand a concept the first time are lazy. Students are often very eager to learn but need to find a way to relate to the information. Students need to feel like the information they are learning is useful and they can apply it to their own lives. Educating students on basic life skills and vocabulary is essential. Some students may not have experienced an airplane ride, or a trip to the beach and teachers need to find portals of connections for each student. Working on vocabulary is important for growth. Students who live in poverty may have a lower vocabulary and the more words they know and practice the more information they can absorb and grow with.

In the classroom we often use writing prompts that relate to trips, sports, getting hurt and other ideas. Not every child has been on a plane, to the beach, or even on a plane ride in my classroom but I work with every student to try and find a story they can write about. I never want a student to feel like they aren't good enough because they haven't had the best or latest toy or trip. Every student has something to tell and write about and it makes them who they are. Creating a story they feel connected to will make them more confident in their writing and learning.

Keeping a relaxing and caring environment for the classroom is important. Students will not succeed in a high stress, loud, and negative classroom. Teachers who yell and show their frustration to students will not succeed. Students can sense a teacher's mood and true feelings about themselves (the students) and therefore will respond in the same negative way. Teachers need to be positive and truly want their students to succeed for them to do so.

Every morning I welcome all my students and check in with them and if I see something looks wrong I immediately talk to them about it. I constantly hug my students to show them they are safe and cared for at school. The classroom environment my supervising teacher created is one that I admire and hope to create for my future classroom. I try to carry out her positive energy classroom while student teaching. My students make me smile so I try to reciprocate by making them smile back. We joke with each other and during breaks and extra time I ask the entire class a question (what they want to be when they grow up, favorite ice cream, pets etc.) and everyone answers.

Some Rules of positive engagement that can help a classroom are:

Creating positive and respectable relationships. When students and teachers share about their lives they get to know one another more. Personal connections to similarities can be made and understanding differences can help with acceptance.

Teachers need to have positive attitudes and truly enjoy going to school everyday. If you want students to enjoy learning the teacher has to enjoy teaching it. Be transparent as a teacher and when mistakes happen embrace them, admit them to your students, they will respect you more as human than as someone who doesn't fail. Leading by example is how students will learn. Every day 20 sets of eyes are always watching you and wanting to follow you.

I have experienced hiccups during student teaching lessons and when I get something wrong I don't act better than the mistakes I joke with my students and fix it in front of them. If I make a mistake during modeling writing I apologize and joke with them to be a role model that learning is making mistakes and fixing them.

Have high standards for students, every student has a personal best and teachers need to encourage reaching that best for each student. Young children are very curious, they want to know everything, and will use their imagination to think of things that surprise you. Embrace these features and use them to your advantage. Ways to engage students in learning can be through incentives, competitions, challenges and have a low risk environment. When a student completes a goal praise them and have a positive attitude. When you recognize their achievement and give them affirmations about their hard work they will have more confidence in themselves as a person and a student.

When the whole class does a math assignment or writing piece and I see a student excel and work hard I will share with the class to praise that student and show an example. I will choose different students based on how they are doing that day, good behavior or needing a pick me up. I also look to see who has improved in that subject and congratulate them for their accomplishment.  I also showcase projects and writing pieces in the hallways for the school community to see

I have included some of my favorite teaching and student quotes because everyone needs to be inspired. Filling a classroom with positive encouragement and inspiration can have a positive affect on the classroom environment and learning. Displaying children's achievements and art work are also a positive affirmation of their growth and success in learning. The profession of education is all about being inspired; teachers inspire students and students inspire teachers.

Bowser, J. Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind PowerPoint. Retrieved February 17th 2014 from
Jensen, E. (2010) Teaching with Poverty in Mind.
Jensen, E. (2013) Engaging Student with Poverty in Mind.
All images from

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Poverty at my Student Teaching School

Growing up as a child I lived in a wealthy suburban white town with a strong public school system, but that doesn't mean I didn't see poverty or know what it was. I consider myself to be cultured and understand how different people live. Coming from a strong educational state of Massachusetts to North Carolina for college was a change and I have enjoyed seeing life down here. As an education major I have been in many schools around the High Point area and seen the affect of poverty on children. I personally don't treat these children any differently, in fact I care for them more because I want to make sure their economic status doesn't hinder their academic potential. However, I have learned that poverty has a strong effect on children and their success at school.

I am currently student teaching at a elementary school in the Randolph Country school system. This school is predominately white but includes over 50% free and reduced lunch. I don't know specific information about poverty among my students, I don't know what their parents make or how their houses look, but I do know that it's my job to help them grow academically and not be oppressed by poverty.

When I look at the students in my classroom based on my best guessed judgment I would say most of them would fall under "relative poverty" or "rural poverty". I don't know personal stories but based on the area of the school I would assume most families have a low income and don't have access to the best insurance and job opportunities. 

Relative poverty is defined as "the economic status of a family whose income is insufficient to meet it's society average standard of living".  Rural Poverty includes more single-guardian households, families that have less access to services, support for disabilities, welfare programs, and fewer job opportunities. (Jensen 2009).

Through my college course about diversity I am learning about some risk factors that poverty has on education and cues to look for in my students. Some cues to look for in students that could live in poverty are; chronic tardiness, lack of motivation, inappropriate behavior, delays in language or reading development, aggression or violence, or social withdraw.

In my first grade classroom I see some signs of poverty through tardiness, lack of healthy hygiene, delay in language and reading, and some social withdraw. In my classroom I see single-parent households, blended families, low income jobs, and abuse and neglect. Most of the my students are eager to learn and I don't see aggression, outburst, or lack of motivation. One student who is constantly tardy now pushes her mom to get her to school on time so she doesn't miss her pull out reading group time. I also see lower reading levels and I have hypothesized that to be from lower parent academic level and support for school work. I also see a lot of moving within my school. Students will often move to a different family member household due to their parents being in jail, absent, or unfit to raise them, and will then in turn have to move to a different school. When a child moves from one school to another their learning track gets set back due to new changes and adjustments and interrupts their year and progress towards their leaning goals.

What I have learned so far about teaching children that live in poverty is that you teach the child for who they are as a student and person not because of their social standing. Teachers need to have high standards and expectation for all their students and this is something I strive for.

When I teach my students I don't have different expectations because I think they can't handle a lesson, I have faith in them. I try to make sure to relate activities and lessons to something they have experienced before or seen. Some students might not have been able to visit a zoo or seen the ocean so I will either find something everyone has experienced or knows of or show picture or have other students help me explain what it's like.

Research has shown that students who experience poverty during younger grades in school have a lower rate of high school graduation and school completion. The most important aspect for a child's education is being at school. If a child comes to school and doesn't have excessive absences then the teachers will be able to take care of them and teach them what they need to know to be successful and competitive in the world. Teachers need to be warm and caring and develop safe and trusting relationships with their students. If a student feels safe and welcomed at school they will want to be there and want to learn.

This is my biggest practice with my students, I want them to want to be in our classroom. Learning should be engaging and fun and manageable for all social economic levels of society. I welcome my students every day, I take interest in their lives and every day I try to build our relationship so they trust me to teach them and give them something to look forward to. I say goodbye every day and I hope they come back the next day.

"A good education is often the only means of breaking the cycle of poverty for poor children." (


Jensen, E. Teaching with Poverty in Mind. 2009

The Effects of Poverty on Teaching and Learning. Retrieved on February 2nd 2014 from:

Black and White with Chalkboard Photo. Retrieved on February 2nd 2014 from :

Power to Change Lives Photo. Retrieved on February 2nd 2014 from: